Thursday, October 4, 2007

I love my Dust Buster!

Seriously, how did mommies make it before the amazing invention of the Dust Buster? In the packing of all our most precious items to be brought to Bolivia with us, I made the decision (for better or worse) to leave all electronic appliances. Let me just tell you that as Nathan became mobile, more and more active, and more and more messy I was kicking myself that I did not bring a Dust Buster.

When my family made the trek to Bolivia last year to celebrate Nathan's first birthday my mom packed a treasured Christmas present of a Dust Buster for her daughter and I have never been so excited to be reunited with one of my most favorite and valued appliances!!! She also packed my Crock-Pot (seriously what was I thinking when I didn't bring these two marvels?) and we have enjoyed many a Sunday lunch from the Crock-Pot. They both use a fairly large transformer to be used (about the size of half of a normal shoe box), but it is so so worth it to lose counter space!

This morning as I was dust busting crushed cereal from the carpet... another blog post in and of itself... I was remembering how blessed we are to live in the age we do... and how blessed I am to have a mom that's willing to give up valuable luggage space to bring her daughter treasures from afar :)


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    What's a mother for anyway?!!! Love you. MOM

  2. Now are you telling me that M&Ms and Skittles are different colors?
    I guess there is a blessing to being color blind!


  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    I need one of those... I just don't get my little dirt devil mini-vac out enough. A Dust Buster would be a lot easier.

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Hi Bull Family!
    Grant Thomas is soooo cute. He has a beautiful head of hair and he looks so alert. Can't wait to hold him. What a blessing to have two beautiful nephews. Hope mommy and daddy are doing great. Love to all! Aunt Sherry
