Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's working :)

Okay, so on the baby update, well there isn't one :( Grant keeps getting lower and lower, but no real contractions and all is still intact, so we're playing the waiting game... I know he'll come in his time, but I just wish his time was sooner than later! This last week we had a specialized ultrasound just to make sure that the cord wasn't wrapped around his neck or in a compromised position. It really was such a blessing to see in such amazing detail my little boy's brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, I could go on and on, and then to see in doppler with all the colors in the cord and movement of fluid throughout his little body. All that to say we're in the clear, no cord wrappage and all looks great. I will say that after an hour of laying flat on my back on a table that might as well have been a two by four at 9 months pregnant I was so ready to be done with the whole thing. The doctor was great, but I think he loves all the "gadgets" of his ultrasound equipment a little too much... so he took forever (are you envisioning Squints from the the movie Sandlot?) to finish the ultrasound. We're just so glad that all looks healthy and ready to go for our second little man :)

In regards to our first little man... he pottied for the first time tonight! Now mind you, we're not potty training because until now he's shown us absolutely no signs that he's ready. Most pediatricians I've talked to have said not to push the issue with it being so close to Grant's birth since he'll probably regress after the birth even if we were fully potty trained at that point anyway. But tonight he looked at his daddy and said, Come on... so off they went running down the hall and spent the next few minutes on Nathan's potty (Nathan that is... not Daddy).

Apparently in the first few moments on the potty Nathan went #2 and then looked down into the potty and realizing what had just happened, looked up at Gary and said... It's working! Oh how I wish I had been there... I think in my fragile 9 month pregnant state I would have needed to potty too :) How funny are our kiddos? I am so blessed to be Nathan's mom and even though he's been super cranky today (sinus infection = antibiotic = upset tummy and constant crankiness) it was all redeemed in that hilarious moment :) Hope you've had a few laughs today as well and hopefully there'll be news to report soon of my second little family comedian to come into this world!


  1. That's great news about Grant and Nathan. I can't wait to see some pictures of your new little man.

  2. Ha! that is great!

    I am so glad that Grant is in the right position and his cord is in the right place.

    I am so excited for you!

  3. oh the joys of potty stories, they keep me laughing! i actually was "hurried" off the potty yesterday when Caden said, "s'cuse me, s'cuse me" and proceeded to encourage me to stand up so he could climb on himself (which is so funny to watch in itself). feel free to share any joys or struggles in this area.

  4. Here I am, the last one awake in the house, and really wishing I had someone to tell what Nathan said on the potty! Very good story!! :)

    I talked to Jen today and she said you were at the hospital. I was praying for you today...
