Thursday, February 8, 2007

Talk about influence...

So there are alot of things that I have seen or witnessed in our time here that speak to the influence that the United States has on other countries and cultures throughout the world. Whether it's trade agreements, economic influence, imported goods, or fashion trends... it is always present. But today definitely takes the cake. As I sit here typing at my desk, there is a construction crew in the lot next to ours that is building a new house. Now we all know that construction crews and music go hand in hand, I mean what else do they have to keep them entertained while they do work? Watching TV could be a little hazardous to the health while holding a hammer or saw :) We in the Bull house have all gotten used to the hammering, sawing, and general noise coming from next door. But today, when above all the noise I heard Olivia Newton John and John Travolta singing back and forth "You're the one that I want, you are the one a one... oooh oooh oooh honey, the one that I want..." and you all know the rest from classic slumber party movie Grease, I had to laugh. Here I am in Bolivia, South America, and yet Grease, more generally, the American culture lives on! And although it's not the national anthem... I won't lie to you... if you had been sitting here beside me you would have heard some serious singing coming from this proud American :)