Saturday, November 29, 2008

My three year old tree decorator...

So here's what happens when you leave your three-year-old in charge of the beads on the Christmas tree :) He definitely gets this from his daddy (Sorry the picture's a little fuzzy, but you get the idea, right?)
Here he is modeling his work of art... and his big boy underwear... that's right, Nathan's day-time potty-trained! Yea for no more diapers except at night! He did it all on his own, when he got good and ready, and I'm so thankful that I waited on him... it made all the difference in the world!

And because Grant's been getting alot of face time... here's another shot of my first born practicing his scissor skills. He's having so much fun and really getting good at cutting different shapes. We've made it an after brother goes to bed activity for just he and I and that's made it a special time that he really loves... and it keeps the vacuuming up teeny tiny pieces of paper to a minimum :)


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Oh what a great helper. I love the cutting picture.

    Tomorrow is our decorating day. I am so excited!

    Love you Laura!

  2. Nathan did a great job. He just did it the ´man´ way. Get them up there and get it done. :^) At least he got them on the tree. How fun that you and he are having some ´big boy´ time after Grant is in bed. Teaching your three year old to use sissors. Very brave stuff.
    Yea for Nathan!! No more day time diapers!! And double yea for you. I love ya girl. See ya on Friday.

  3. that sweet boy. :) love him so much.

  4. awww, i just love it!!! the superman shirt and big boy underwear make it that much more precious!!!! :)

  5. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Not to worry ... his Papa will school him in the fine art of Christmas tree decorating when you get back stateside.

