Monday, October 30, 2006

Kisses please

So we all know that kids say the darndest things, but they do the darndest things too. I sure thought that Nathan's fish face took the cake... but this is pretty precious too. Most little ones have a special way that they start giving kisses, whether it's blowing kisses, butterfly kisses, or Eskimo kisses. But not this little Cochabambino. Nathan is all about extending himself when someone asks for a kiss, only he "extends" only his forehead. So when asked for a kiss... my crazy little man puts his head down waiting for his kiss :) So as you can see below... he was giving Papa kisses, and if you look very closely... you can see the kiss marks left behind from his Auntie Jen during our visit. One day I look forward to "real" kisses from Nathan... although I will say the forehead is a better alternative to the open mouth slobbers he gives from time to time :) But this mommy will take Nathan kisses however they may come!


  1. Matt and the kids bump foreheads for kisses. Even little Riley has picked up on that one! I love it though...just wait till he does the snoopy kisses ;)

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Derek does that too! (Sorry I'm leaving all these comments on your blog today! Catching up)
