Saturday, June 10, 2006

What a Week

What a week is hardly adequate to describe the past few days. They have been so eventful and so exhausting all at the same time. It was a week of arrivals and firsts for the Bull family. Arrivals in birthdays (Patricia, Billie, Drew, and Gary), anniversaries (Josh and Julie), husbands (as Gary returned safe and sound from Santa Cruz), friends and family (Billie Gill arrived to join the work here in Bolivia, Jonathan Sandoval, Denice Sandoval and her fiancee Daniel all arrived to visit Butch and Trish), teeth (Nathan's seventh and eighth teeth made their first appearance this week), and drumroll please...... THE CONTAINER!!!! Our house is a madhouse this week, full of boxes and goodies, but we couldn't be happier. Nathan ate for the first time in his new high chair (a gift from some of our wonderful friends at our supporting congregation of Westside), he's no longer wearing capris, as he now has pants that fit him :) and his daddy is so excited as he is playing his X-Box (as I type) with team members and family for a late night birthday celebration. Nathan had his first up on all fours experience, so maybe soon we'll be crawling in a way other than military style. He also had his first rolling all the toilet paper off the roll experience. I kept hearing this sound coming from the bathroom, but I didn't think anything of it, until I went in to find my son, in his walker, in a mound of toilet paper, just playing with the empty tube on the roll. It's amazing how much fun they have with the simplest things. So praise God with us that He is faithful in bringing people, and things :), to us safely, and that He is so amazing to care for all our needs, far better than we can ourselves!


  1. I'm so glad your container finally made it -- even more feeling like home there! Also want to say happy birthday Gary!!! I thought of you yesterday and wondered what your birthday would be like in Bolivia. What a present to get the container!!! Love all three of you, Jen

  2. glad to hear he's not wearing manpris anymore. thats just not appropriate :) happy b-day gary, you must be what, like, 39 or so???

