Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sense of humor...

Disclaimer... since comments have been coming in as to the picture below... just know as you read that I as a mother would NEVER post pictures of my child eating poop. Now that I've got you hooked... read on in peace :)

So as you can see below, Gary and I had a wonderful getaway a few weeks ago... but ever since our return I feel like it's been one thing after another... sick kids, change in schedules, more sick kids, moody mommy, apartment building without water, and more sick kids. Now normally this would throw me over the edge, an emotional vomitting session would ensue and it would be downhill from there. While there have been moments of teetering (on the edge of craziness :) I realized in the midst of the nutzoness that I have matured at least a little bit because after the events of this morning I could still laugh (a sign of maturity or insanity I'm not sure... but I'm gonna go with maturity :) Allow me to share...

About 6:30 Grant decided it was time to start his day (which by the way is much earlier than usual, this sick kid stuff is for the birds!). I went in, gave him his milk and snoogled him while he drank. We then moved to the playroom where we started our morning counting numbers with Baby Einstein (thank you thank you producers of this wonderful thing that is Baby Einstein and our friends Thomas and Will who sent us a new one!). I changed his diaper in the playroom (we have stashes of diaper changing supplies all over the house) and left him for 30 seconds TOPS to air out (meaning without diaper). I then went to the kitchen to dispose of said diaper and fill the sink for my morning load of dish washing (after washing my hands of course)... return to the playroom to find (yep, you guessed it) poop. Not just on the floor (thank goodness we have a rug over the carpet), not just on the toy he was playing with (don't tell Nathan it was his magna doodle), but of course... all over him. Because seriously, who doesn't love to smear their own poop all over themselves I ask you? :)

After the poop incident got cleaned up and put in the past, I was working back in the office for a few minutes. I head up to the front of the apartment to check on the boys (boys b/c now Nathan is awake to add to the craziness of the Bull boys) and I find this sweet dirt face... NOT poop face!

Yeah, that's dirt. Apparently Grant thought a great conclusion to his breakfast would be the potted plant up front. So so so gross. And as if I didn't know that, my little three year old commentator came out of the playroom with his own... EEEEWWWWWW, GROOOOOOOSS! Yeah, thanks Nathan, we got it :) But amidst cleaning off my baby for the umpteenth time this morning, I actually laughed and smiled... oh the adventures of little boys! Anybody want mine? :)


  1. Oh the joys :) HOpe everyone is better soon.

  2. I'll trade you for two older ones :) (*Disclaimer: Older does not always mean less messy or less into everything) I wish I could say that they will grow out of it, but my two still get into everything and make huge messes. Continue laughing and be thankful for such adventurous children who will grow to be adventurous young men.

  3. umm, at first I thought the picture of dirt on Grant was the poop story. Now that would be gross, gross, gross! :)

  4. For some reason that little grin on his face floods my mind with memories of enchanting lines from the old (before Disney, with Mary Martin) Peter Pan movie. There is one line in particular that I am hearing, "Oh, the cleverness of me!"

    Yay for you! Keep smiling friend.

  5. I think the picture that accompanies this post needs a disclaimer. When I opened your blog I immediately saw the picture, and after begin reading I thought seriously this can't be just can't be...can it!?! I was convinced it just might be. I think poor Grant's photo needs a disclaimer, I mean what is a little dirt when it could have been poop. Molly

  6. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Forget the dirt on the face. Look at that grin!!!! Love it. Love him and you all, Nena

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Maybe he mistook it for his Papa's delicious brownies!

  8. I'm a little behind in my blog reading due to the craziness around here. It brought a smile to my face to see sweet Grant covered in dirt! I'm glad the new Baby Einstein is a hit. And to tell the truth it was actually a gift for mommy, not the boys! Because without it THIS mommy would have been lost!
