Friday, March 23, 2007


So many of you over the past year have asked what is the best way that you can support us and we have always said the best support that you can give us in through your prayers covering us and supporting us from afar. You our friends and family have been tremendous prayer warriors on our behalf! We are blessed beyond measure and will always be so grateful for the support you provide for us through your prayers!

I write this post to ask you to suit up one more time for the team... I ask you to put on those knee pads for some prayer time for the Bull family. I know that you have been praying for our family in our sickness lately and what I ask for now is specific prayers for Nathan. Nathan is still vomiting and having pretty severe diarrhea. I have been able to start a new medicine for the parasite that we found out that he has and he has kept it down for a few days now, but we're not seeing his symptoms really change, which makes this overly anxious mommy really nervous.

Please pray that we're doing the right things... that Nathan's health will return as soon as possible... that he won't lose too much weight with all the output and little input... that the parasite will go away and the symptoms of the stomach virus will go away as well... and that this mommy will stop blaming our surroundings for the sickies in her little one.

It's been a really hard week, as far as wanting to be here. Please don't hear me saying I'm packing up and coming home, but in the continual midst of culture shock (does culture shock ever really end?), emotionalness (if that's a word), and trying to get back in the groove of being "home" from our trip, I've had a really hard time not resenting our surroundings this week. I know that satan knows that I came back from the ladies conference refreshed and ready to make some awesome changes in my life, family and ministry and has been on attack ever since, but I'm getting worn and tired. So... all that to say please keep Nathan and our family in your prayers. Thanks again for your continual support of our family! We treasure you!


  1. Hi Bull Family,
    will be lifting y'all up in prayer!

    many blessing to you!

    I came over from Lisa's blog!


  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Dear Laura,
    I totally understand your struggle! It's amazing how you can love and resent the same place. These are the times that will drive you to your knees and closer to the Lord! May He bless you with a peace beyond understanding and wisdom to take care of little Nathan! We will be praying for you all! Love you lots! Melanie Bailey :)

  3. You got it, friend. Prayers are going up still for all 3 of ya'll and for your family here in the states that is worrying about ya'll from afar. We know that ya'll are doing great things over there and Nathan will bounce back really soon!
    Get rest while you can to take care of your sweet little one!!

  4. May God give you strength, rest, peace, and endurance. It is hard to see your little one so sick. We'll pray that Nathan will be well soon!

  5. Lord, I am not able today to reach across the distance and grab Laura's hand to lift her up in prayer so I ask that you span the distance today, be our bridge. May she feel me reaching and holding her tight as I say to you, "Heal Nathan. Bring some down time to their home, help Laura to remain in the moment-although the moment sucks right now. Help satan to have no hold on her, Gary or little Nathan. May Laura be able to find that one person whose life is being changed b/c of the place you have them, even if that one life is her own. May you give them a day, night even a week full of joy and health. May you bless each one of them as they continue to serve you unconditionally. Thank you Lord for allowing us to "keep it real" with you-to encourage us to lay it all at your feet the good and the bad. Without you Lord we would go nuts-b/c as you have already told us this world is full of trouble. But thank you Lord that each day gets us closer to Heaven."

    Praying sweet, Laura-hang in there-and thank you for telling me a way to pray for you...I will do just that. Hang in there!

  6. Anonymous6:26 PM

    dear bull family -- we are praying. just got back from a prayer retreat and fill full so we will just talk with our Almighty God about your sick Nathan. We are so sorry for the pain all of this brings. God's eyes are on you. He is there and aware of your needs and no doubt taking care of them. We love you and will pray. love from CS

  7. Sweet friend, I wish I were with you and we are praying for all of you. I love you all so dearly, and pray for full restoration of health and a strong sense of God's presence in the moment even to the little guy who doesn't even know how to name that yet.

  8. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Oh, Laura, now I understand your comment on my blog, and I hurt for you!! I am praying for you and especially sweet little Nathan, and I know God will pull you all through. You know I love you and am so proud of you. I'm so glad God led me to post what I did -- I didn't even know how much you needed to hear something like that. What an amazing thing to be used by God! I love you!!

  9. Dear friend, I will be doubling my prayers for you from today on. I am amazed at all you are doing. I know that God is walking with you in his arms. I pray that He lifts you higher, and gives you peace, wisdom and understanding as you care for Nathan. Know that He will not give you anything that will "break" you, only that which will bring you to your knees before the great I AM! Love you and praying continually.

  10. Like my mom says - it's the daily living that is so hard! I have been praying so fervently - and will continue to do so. You and your family are such a great blessing to us here - never forget that!

  11. I'm praying for Nathan daily. God is his Great Physician. May God bless you with peace of mind, body and spirit as you care for Nathan.

  12. Laura,
    I am so sorry to hear that Nathan is so sick. I can certainly identify with your stuggles right now. I am praying for you to have peace and a deep assurance of the Lord's presence with you right now. I will be eager to hear of Nathan's progress. You are loved and prayed for by MANY.

    Kelly Vaughn

  13. We are still praying for you and your family. Has there been any improvement?

  14. Okay, how are things going with Nathan? We are still praying for the Bull family!!!

  15. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Hey Laura,
    I sure hope Nathan is feeling better. I want you to know I thinking and praying for you guys!
    Love you!
    Cuz Ang

  16. checking to see how y'all were doing!

