Saturday, July 17, 2010

Making a game of everything :)

One thing you learn about living in a third world country is that internet speed is never what you hope it will be... and many times isn't even what you're paying for, but that's another story :) Because today I want to tell you how much I love that my Grant Thomas in all his two year old wonder and fun is everywhere in the worldness makes a game even out of slow internet... the thorn in his mommy's flesh.

Every time that Grant is watching something online, be it on PBS kids, YouTube or Facebook the dreaded spinning wheel comes up telling him that his fun filled watching experience is about to be interrupted. And not by anything worthwhile like emergency weather reports, or words from world leaders, no... just because the internet is being persnickety. But my sweet son in all his playfulness takes it all in stride (very unlike his mother) and has made it a game... every time the spinning wheel makes its appearance Grant throws his hands in the air, chunky toddler fingers spread wide and yells at the computer... FREEZE. Yep, he's playing the freeze game :) From what I can gather it's much like red light, green light, but to watch it being played between my son and my laptop... seriously one of the funniest things I've seen this side of the equator in a long time :)

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