Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A healthy breakfast...

Well, you should always know that when your little man comes walking through the kitchen at 9:00 in the morning saying mmm-mmm-mmmmmmm, it's not because his taste buds are having a party over the raisins and cereal you gave to him. No no my friends, it's because he's found your "secret" (which is not so secret anymore) stash of whoppers and is having a breakfast of champions :)


  1. Oh, how funny! I'm laughing out loud and hoping that Shelby doesn't wake up from her nap because of it.

  2. I'm with Dee, that's a laugh out loud story.

  3. that is hilarious! Mommy will have to be more sneaky with her stash!

  4. HilARious. The picture of him in the dog house is precious, too.
