Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Call it a day...

So I think after a crib (including the bumper pads) covered in pukies, a booster seat (including the seat it was strapped to) covered in poopies, an ATM out of service (which in this cash only culture makes life an adventure), a pair of 2T/3T tightie whities hanging from my new angel tree topper, and a thirty minute power outage that almost resulted in a meltdown from Nathan who couldn't watch his new Winnie the Pooh Christmas movie (a tradition for we have to watch a new movie on nights that Daddy's not home) and I think it's about time to call it a day... whatcha think?


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Oh my, Laura! What a day. Just think, Friday is almost here. Hopefully tomorrow will be kinder to you.

  2. Anonymous12:29 AM

    God gives boys/sons to the most special of people. That is you, my daughter. Love, your mother, to whom God gave daughters

  3. I'm tellin' ya....we really do have a lot in commmon! ;) -a

  4. Absolutely! What a day! Hope the pukes get sorted out! Have a great weekend!

  5. you are so funny!!! sounds like one of my days your spending too much time with me lol!!! just kiidding
