Saturday, March 3, 2007

we're here

well... after a crazy day yesterday of running around doing laundry, cooking and packing (all things that we thought we'd have all weekend to do...) we caught a flight out early this morning and arrived here in sao paulo this evening. we catch a bus out to the hotel where we'll be attending the conference tomorrow and relaxing there until the conference starts on monday. god is good and blessed us with a flight out early, but also with amazing husbands (mine especially) who were so willing to add another three days to their weeks without wives or mommies since we would be traveling early. so thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragement. please continue to keep us in your prayers this week as we worship with fellow sisters in similar life circumstances right now, that god would continue to open our hearts to what he needs to speak to us and that we would have open ears and hearts to hear. also please keep in prayer our flight returning on friday. i know that by that point we will all be so ready to be back home with our husbands and kiddos and we're just praying fervently that the flight does not get cancelled as it seems to have a history of doing. thank you again for your prayers, we covet them and are supported by them! god bless.


  1. so glad everything worked out...praise God! i look forward to hearing how it went. i know you'll really enjoy the time with the other ladies. i'll be praying for you this week.

  2. all I could think of when I ready the post was the song Doxology: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye Heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost" Not sure why- but it seemed right in tune with such a wonderful blessing! I will pray that you all enjoy the fellowship with the ladies and that you are able to be filled

  3. yippe!! (I don't think that is how it is spelled, oh well...) I'm so glad that you are getting to go!!!
    That is great news! Hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy your time in fellowhip with HIM!!

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    am praying. cathie

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday my precious cousin Laura! Happy Birthday to you. I know that sounds better than me actually singing! I hope you have a AWESOME DAY! I love you. We miss you guys! Angela

  6. Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday!!!

  8. Happy birthday, Laura! Hope you're having a great week.

  9. Anonymous10:36 AM


    We hope your trip and conference went well and it was uplifting for the you and the team.
